7.13.03 new mp3! new cd out this week! get some. -ryan
7.10.03 sorry for the lack of updates. hectic lives we lead. well we've played numerous shows- all have gone satisfactorily (sp!?!) (word!?!) we're now recording again. working fast but well trying to finish with as much time left in the summer as possible. it will be a 4 song ep with 3 re-recorded songs. so 7 in all. it will be warm and gooey and good for everyone. -ryan
5.28.03 few things coming up- a little knight music of course. we will be playing second to last right before the broken concept. they should be really good as usual- and we will try and break out in some grooves of our own. dont miss it! we are playing a party after- but that is by invite only- so yeah. we were invited to play benefest but do to certain prom tradtions, it didnt fit in our schedule. (crying) but we're playing the redcross battle of the bands and eric beams little thingy- so good times are ahead. also- the first orangello music video is in the editiing process as you speak- ahh yes- free time. go knights v-ball. go broken concept. go orangello. go you. - ryan
5.11.03 wow where do i start? what a weekend. i'll start from thursday. it was the first of 2 orangello psyches. pj's of course. friday was the big day. orangello rocked formal wear in school. we show up at borders round 5:30 and arent done setting up until 7ish. quick sound checks and dinner- then show time. we couldnt believe how many people were there. the show went well with a few funny moments, a few serious moments, and overall much musical fun. saturday was a different story. we wrote a new song to play at "bobfest" but because of time restraints- we didnt get to debut it. we played what we thought was a solid set- the metal head crowd was.... confused by us. good fun though- we were confused by them- more good news: we recorded the show on saturday- and late afternoon live is now in our media section so GET SOME!! videos of borders are there as well WOOOO!!!! pics coming soon. luv u all. -ryan

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